Letters to My "Sun"
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Doctor's Appointment 6 Months
P.S. Sorry sweet bean but you cry just like your mom....I have to beg you to breathe, then it takes you an hour to re-coop. Let's just hope you don't cry very often in the future!!
Love ya pootter head.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Blurr/Blob Phase

You turned 6 months old 6 days ago. I can't believe it, I'm in total shock. A few tid bits about you:
1-3 months= Let's just say you went through a "BLOB" phase, mmmk?!
You also LOVE to be outside. Daddy takes you for a walk every evening, and if you are crying and we don't know why we take you outside and you are as quiet as a lamb.

You were 8 weeks here.

Favorite toy= playmat

5 months- Getting on knees and hands...so close to crawling. You went in circles forever, or rolled anywhere you wanted to go.
5 1/2 months- First tooth!! (Followed by tooth #2 just two days later) No wonder you were a drool monster! We had to change your clothes 3-4 times a day!
Crawling (Backwards!!) - It's a start!
Starting eating solids. You LOVE applesauce, like sweet potatoes and bananas, and despise sweet peas and carrots.
6 months- You love making the raspberry sound! We are going to the doc tomorrow for you 6 month shots (Sorry sweet baby) and will have some stats to post!

I love ya more than my luggage.
your mom
Friday, April 29, 2011
Your Birthday!!!
I guess that the first post should be about how you came into this world. So here is the story of your birthday!
After a long deliberation with your father I decided to be induced on December 15, 2010. I was admitted on the 15th at 8 pm so I could have the pitocin drip throughout the night to deliver the next tually day. We went to Wintzell’s for diner that evening with your aunt Alison, and no one said a word. The air was filled with nervous tension awaiting your arrival; it was palpable. After diner I was admitted to the delivery room at

I was placed on oxygen when your heart rate dropped.
You scared us to death!!
You were purple when you arrived from the lack of oxygen but you recovered quickly. It was not long before you began to cry, a sound your dad and I were so grateful to hear. We starred at your tiny body, 5 lbs 13oz (We expected you to be over 9lbs!) and loved you immediately!!!

Hackett Aaron Robertson
That very instant our lived were changed and I knew you are my soul mate. You are the peanut butter to my jelly sandwich…..as I tell you everyday.