I guess that the first post should be about how you came into this world. So here is the story of your birthday!
After a long deliberation with your father I decided to be induced on December 15, 2010. I was admitted on the 15th at 8 pm so I could have the pitocin drip throughout the night to deliver the next tually day. We went to Wintzell’s for diner that evening with your aunt Alison, and no one said a word. The air was filled with nervous tension awaiting your arrival; it was palpable. After diner I was admitted to the delivery room at Thomas Hospital and I remember the nurses placing the i.d. bracelets on your dad and my wrists, and they had a tiny bracelet with your name printed ready for when you arrived. It was at that moment I felt the reality of the day.
Alison, Gammie, and Popi in the delivery room
Alison and a very swollen mommy!
The nurses started the pitocin drip and told us to get some rest. Which was a joke. I was too nervous and excited to sleep soundly and your father was kept awake by my snoring…as was the room adjacent to ours. (Snoring was one of the many pregnancy symptoms your dad had to endure!!) Around 7 am my pitocin dosage was increased and I started feeling contractions. It did not hurt, just felt rhythms of pressure in my tummy. My labor slowly progressed until Dr. Childs broke my water around noon; after which I entered hard labor. And I mean HARD labor….ouch!! I actually went to 8 cm dilation before I received the epidural. Your father was very grateful for that, and so was I! Your heart rate dropped repeatedly during every contraction, and the doctor believed that the umbilical chord might be wrapped around your neck. They slowed the pitocin to let you recover. I pushed for almost 2 hours but it was relaxed and not painful. We welcomed you at 7:14 pm on December 16, 2010. The chord was indeed around your tiny neck, 3 times actually!!! I felt you moving constantly in my last trimester; and apparently you moved so much that you were twisted in the umbilical chord!!

I was placed on oxygen when your heart rate dropped.
You scared us to death!!
You were purple when you arrived from the lack of oxygen but you recovered quickly. It was not long before you began to cry, a sound your dad and I were so grateful to hear. We starred at your tiny body, 5 lbs 13oz (We expected you to be over 9lbs!) and loved you immediately!!!
Hackett Aaron Robertson
That very instant our lived were changed and I knew you are my soul mate. You are the peanut butter to my jelly sandwich…..as I tell you everyday.
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